I believe that taking good care of ourselves equips us to show up as our best selves for others.


I believe in the healing power of creativity. 


I believe we all possess a special magic that the world needs us to bring to life.



Welcome to my little pocket on the internet. I'm so happy to have you here. Think of this as a comfy cozy nook where you can have the freedom to explore what truly lights you up and figure out how the heck to find time to actually make it happen. It is possible, friend, and I'm hear to be your guide. 

As a mom to 4 and a full-time teacher, it can be easy to get lost in the shuffle of caring for others. That is why I have become dedicated to carving out pockets of creative self-care throughout my days and I'm passionate about teaching others to do the same.


"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it to took to blossom."

This quote by Anais Nin has been a catalyst for my personal growth for over 20 years. The quote found me when I needed it most and it continues to speak to me all these years later.

We are not meant to stay comfortable, bound tight in a bud, afraid to show our true colors. There is a cost to living this way. I have learned that by staying small and safe, I am actually marinating myself in self-doubt, anxiety and fear.

In reality, I am meant to shine and be my brilliant self in this lifetime. I am called to be inspired to blossom. And I wish for you to blossom, shine and be your brilliant self too.


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"Inspired to Blossom Retreats are wonderful. They always seem to happen exactly when I need them. These retreats promote time to recenter and rediscover myself. I always look forward to these events because they are so fun!"

Rachel E

"Denise inspires me to explore and bring out the creative side of me that I didn't know I had."

Lauren S.