4. Yes, You Are Creative

In this episode we explore the wonderful world of creativity and challenge some common misconceptions. So often, we believe that creativity is limited to certain roles or definitions. But I'm here to tell you that creativity is present in everyone, and it's time to let it shine.

Referenced: The book, The Gifts of Imperfection by BrenƩ Brown

Join Creative Calm Studio for Free- https://www.christensonrae.com/offers/doJiiApL

Connect with Denise:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/denisechristensonrae/

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.christensonrae.com

Join the Creative Calm Studio Membership: https://www.christensonrae.com/offers/doJiiApL

Work with me: Elevate Your Energy: Stress Reduction & Creative Empowerment Coaching